Product Condition
This item is brand new. Comes with a one year warranty from GreenBox Shop.
Product Description
Network Data SIM’s are sold separately and are NOT included with this item. Network SIM slot unlocked, works with any mobile network, worldwide.
Get ultrafast speeds without being tied to a fixed line. Download huge files easily with average download speeds of 146 Mb/s. Connect up to 100 devices. Plus it’s easy to set up, just plug your hub in and get started.
Want to take advantage of your lightning-fast 5G connection at home or work? Want peace of mind from our latest security encryption? Then say hello to our Smart 5G Hub.
It uses the mobile network and the latest cutting-edge WiFi 6E tech to deliver a fast and reliable connection with low latency, with average speeds of 144.6 Mbps on our 5G network. But it’s not just about speed, our Smart 5G Hub can support over 100 different devices.
It’s easy to set up, too. There’s no need for an engineer, just plug it in and get going. Plus we use 100% sustainable hardware and packaging.
Download user guide here
Product Spec
Model name: Smart 5G Hub 2
Network: Unlocked – All networks
Type: 5G WiFi Router
EAN: 5025744833559
Network Mode: 5G+2.4G
5G NSA+SA bands: N1/3/28/77/78
4G LTE Bands: B1/3/7/20/38
WIFI transmission standard: Wi-Fi 802.11g, Wi-Fi 802.11b, Wi-Fi 802.11n, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Wi-Fi 802.11a, Wi-Fi 6
5G Speed: DL 2.5GBps
2.4G WI-FI transmission Rate: 600mbps
Interface: WPS,2 RJ45 LAN/WAN Ports, Power
Security: WPA/WPA2/WPA3 personal
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